Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Does your Princess need Magic Glasses or Vision Therapy?

Princess Liana had trouble seeing the beautiful birds she heard singing in the tree, but with the help of the magician, Maximilian, her eyesight was fixed with a magical pair of glasses. Unfortunately, not every child’s eyesight can be fixed with a pair of glasses. As I mentioned in the last post, Dr. Brett Miller, from Triangle Visions Optometry, said, these are not really even eye problems, but issues with how the brain processes information that the child takes in visually.  And they require what is called “Vision Therapy”.  There are three main issues that require vision therapy.  They are: eye focusing problems, eye movement problems, and eye-teaming problems."  “For example," says Dr. Miller, “with eye-teaming, when you go to the doctor’s office, they check your eyes one at a time.  They really don’t do much testing of the eyes together.  In the real world, we are always using both eyes together.   Also, most of the work a child does at school is up close or near work at her desk, reading and writing.  There are a number of other visual skills that the eye chart doesn’t  look at, like focusing or if the eyes line up to the same spot, or how well the eyes move across the page.  Those are the three main ones.  And there are more visual factors, but what is important is to remember that Clarity of Vision, which is what is tested for generally at schools or the pediatrician’s office, is different than Vision. And some of these visual factors may require Vision Therapy.”

Wow! Who knew glasses weren’t always the answer to children’s vision issues?! Below is an image of Dr. Miller using some vision therapy tools on an adorable patient!

See ya!

P.S. Princess Liana just joined the Twitter world! Follow her and stay updated with the magical things going on in her kingdom!

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