Friday, July 20, 2012

Transitioning To Eyeglasses Can Be Fun!

                                "It really is magical to see what you have not seen before!" 

I was talking to a grandmother recently who was so happy to read a story about a real princess who had to go through the process of getting eyeglasses.  She recounted how she felt as a young child when she had to get glasses and wished there had been a story that expressed how you can still be a beautiful princess while wearing glasses. 

Reading or hearing a story that matches our experience either in how we feel or in a situation we are going through is such a wonderful way to feel understood.  We often hope we can gain some key to give us confidence or assurance that everything is going to be okay.  Princess Liana doesn’t just get eyeglasses, she gets “magic” eyeglasses that help her to see everything in glorious detail.  She realizes its a gift to have magic glasses that can help her see her girlfriends, the birds, the stars in the night sky, and the beautiful buttercups that her father planted just for her.

For parents, this story will help them be thoughtful and enjoy the process of helping and watching their daughter through the transition to wearing eyeglasses.  We have a lot of influence over how children can transition through the process of getting glasses.   The eye exam, picking out glasses, and wearing them an unknown process, and its our gift to help them feel confident along the way,  If we are knowledgeable and encouraging about the process, our children will likely feel more comfortable every step of the way.  I say to get excited about your daughter’s eye exam.   Your daughter is going see her world more clearly! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is adorable! My husband and I both have bad eyes. Even though you cannot tell because we've both had iLASIK, and love our results! But I am pretty sure that in a year or two my daughter is going to need glasses. I think this would be the perfect little story for her.
